Sunday, August 21, 2011

Hopefully More

It's another beautiful Sunday here at my job, and although I usually post what I hear/see here in my other blog, Dork in the Corner, I decided to post it here, as well, because it has to do with the news, or rather, celebrity news which should **always** be considered a different breed of animal than **real** news.

I genereally do not get involved in celebrity news. I find it pointless...unless you consider the point being to make the world believe that stupid-inflicted tragedy, self-created drama, and wreckless regard for fidelity, morals, or anything else once considered normal.

I am blathering on.

So my Sunday chat buddy sends me a link to see Kurt Cobain's daughter.

This is the original link he sent me, which has a link to her more....rough side.

At first I thought oh please. Who cares about the daughter of two famous junkies...two famous talentless junkies who made it big due mainly to their stupidity? But I clicked. The first thing that struck me was the painful similarity between her and her father. Don't let that statement fool you. She is beautiful.

Then I read the actual article, which led me to the edgier pictures, which show her tattoos and dark hair and smoking a cigarette. Lovely.

I have tattoos, dark hair, and I smoke, so I am **certain** I sound like a hypocrite here, but the thing is, I worry for this girl. She's not some normal kid who happens to like smoking and getting tattoos. She is the daughter of two seriously debilitated (one of which is deceased) junkies who have no control over their lives and were an embarrassment to Seattle (yes, that is IMHO), Washington state, grunge, rock, America, etc. What makes them even more dangerous (her parents, that is), is that we immortalized a man who made it fashionable to "burn out" rather than to "fade away." We idolized his music, his suicide letter, and on and on.

Then, we gave the junkie whore wife all the attention she could possibly handle, and even as we hated her, we fueled her addiction.

So, Frances Bean Cobain, if you ever read this or someone happens to run across this by pure chance (or mistake), I know you probably hate me for berating your parents, but please, don't follow in their footsteps. Neither one of them is fit to be a role model. And, if it's not too much to ask, if you're going to make music, please have the decency not to rape our ears with trash in the process, like they did.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Can You Read My Mind Yet?

My jaw has dropped, my body cringed, my eyebrow raised, my stomach turning, my pocketbook shriveling.

I ran across this article while perusing and could not believe what I read.

I guess it started out innocently enough...a blurb about how donors are helping to relaunch the Allen Telescope Array (ATA), which is part of the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) movement. So what is wrong with individual people choosing to donate their money to this? Nothing.

What is wrong is how this ridiculous monstrosity came to be. According to a WikiPedia article, it is a special telescope cost something like $25 million that was paid for by the SETI Institute while UC Berkeley funds operations. Is that really who paid for it though? According to the article from NewsDaily, private donors were sought due to government cutbacks.

Backed by the AirForce to locate debris in space that could be destructive to satellites, the telescope also actively searches for alien life forms, when it is in use.

I am just as fascinated with the night sky as the next person, but putting $25 million into something like this, in California, no less, which is practically owned by the bank because they are so far under, rankles me just a little bit, especially knowing that we are so close to a recession it's scary.

Then I take into account all the millions, if not billions of dollars that fund other programs just as useless as this one and wonder, with all that money, shouldn't they have figured out a way to read my mind or something by this point?

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Orange Stuff...And not from Vietnam

The headline read Mysterious Orange Goo Baffles Remote Alaska Village. How could I NOT click on it to read all about it?

This is some serious strange stuff, folks. A neon orange, powder-like substance first showed up floating on the water in the harbor of Kivalina, Alaska. Then winds carried in bunched lines to shore.

The article states that no one knows for sure what it is, hinting a coal mine a few miles away, or orange coral. Indeed, there are types of coral that thrive in sun-deprived areas.

The problem with this, however, is that people have reported it on the ground after rains, and in their gutters. How does coral explain that?

Well, have you ever heard of the book It's Raining Frogs and Fishes? It is a fascinating book chronicling some pretty strange things that happen in nature. There is a neat article on Wikipedia concerning the rain of animals on Earth.

The theories are few and far between, but they are scientific in their assumptions, and definitely interesting to hear.
I definitely recommend you read both the article, the information on Wikipedia, and the book. I have it if you would like to borrow. :)