Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Response to the Election

I am deeply disturbed by the outcome of the election.

But you know what? I don't hope that I am right so that I can say I told you so, I hope I am wrong so that our country doesn't go down in a fading pile of ember and ash. I think my democratic friend said it best on FaceBook:

"I will say this... If he does not turn this country around with an additional 4 years, I will not vote for anyone in his party.. We're giving you 8 years to fix what was destroyed in 8 years.."

There are so many things I want to say about this whole circus.

Before I go on, no I did not vote. For those of you who are about to accost me about not voting and keeping my mouth shut, move on, please. I had 101% intention of voting. I've used my voter's registration card as a bookmark for the better part of six months so I would be pumped and ready to vote. But the fact is, I got off at 5pm yesterday and the daycare was already calling about my 6-month old being very sick. So instead of dragging him out to the Mico VFD (my polling site) and making him wait with me for God knows how long, I took him home and gave him some infant vitamins and prayed because at six months, there is not much I can give him to make him feel better.

I also prayed all night that the outcome would not be what it was, but... Oh, wait. God isn't allowed in politics. My bad.

First and foremost, to all the ignorant people out there who think that NOT voting for Obama means you're a racist... That's the stupidest thing I have ever heard. I did not vote for him last time, either, but a part of me was proud of how far we've come as a nation that we actually elected a black president into office. However, his race does not define whether or not he is a good president. I think both he and his wife are more superstars than they are politicians. Not voting for Obama does not mean that you're racist. Let me think of how to explain it so you can understand.

Perhaps an equation of sorts?
Racists = C
People who did not vote for Obama = A
Are we clear so far?
I'm going to go so far as to say C always equals A.
But A does not always equal C.

Saying A always equal C is the equivalent in terms of ignorance as saying every Christian is Republican, every Muslim is a terrorist, every hillbilly uneducated and stupid, every California blond and tan.

Are you with me here, folks?

Secondly, I would like to throw my two cents in about something. There's been a lot of media coverage about Republicans "coming out of the closet." Why is this even an issue? I'll tell you why. Because Democrats have a better offensive line when it comes to bullying people down. Why do I say this?

Case in point: I live in Texas. Did you see that huge red star at the bottom of the map of our country? Yeah, that was us. But even here in Texas, I find it hard to find people who agree with me on politics. How is that possible when we consistently vote Republican???? But it's more than that. Yesterday I was accosted by someone at work who asked me why I didn't vote in 1998 and look what happened... That guy got four more years.

Excuse me? You think because I'm a not-quite 30 year old woman with 3 kids and another on the way and tattoos that I am automatically a Democrat? Like a chump I kept my mouth shut and just smiled. I am ashamed of myself. I should have said something. I am saying something. Here it is. I'm not a Democrat. If anyone even bothered to look at my FaceBook "About" information, you'd see, clear as day, I am listed Republican.

But that's not all. All day yesterday I could hear people across the floor talking about how horrible it was that their kids voted for Romney at school, or how there was no way Romney was going to win, and it went on and on. I have to give credit where credit is due... They don't let up. 

"Did you vote? You're going to vote, right? We have to get him re-elected. Four more years, yeah buddy." All. Day. Long.

The one person that I can (now) identify as a mutual Republican at work, was told on her way out to "vote for the right guy." Her response? "Mickey Mouse? Right. Got it." Bam. Further proof that we are bombarded with opposition to the point that we bow our heads and walk away. I am not berating her. As I stated above, I basically did the exact same thing.

As for the people who keep saying "old white guys voted for Romney, not Obama"... Umm... Have you seen our vice president??? Just. Saying.

I am not going to move out of country (oh, please, Mr. President, don't make me regret it), and I don't think that Obama is Satan or the anti-Christ. In fact, I won't even return to this subject until his four years are up. Once again, I hope I am wrong about him, and everyone who voted for him can say "I told you so." But I definitely do not believe that he is the best thing for our country by a long shot.

I was ecstatic to hear my views echoed on the morning radio talk show on 99.5 Kiss here in San Antonio, where the huge issue of whether or not the record turnouts had anything to do with the fact that we're basically guaranteed more handouts was being discussed. They were basically stating that every lazy, non-working, selfish person on a couch got off their butt for a few hours on November 6, 2012 to guarantee that they could continue to be so for the next four years.

I agree.

P.S.  Good reading: Five Ways the Mainstream Media Tipped the Scales in Obama's Favor

1 comment:

  1. Do you know if your having a boy or girl just curious I'm pregnant with my 3rd. I have two boys and this one is a girl. As for not voting but having every intention to but unable because of parent responsibilities. (Diddo)
    Congratulations and happy gestating.
