Friday, November 2, 2012

It Doesn't Stop

I read an article about a mother who lost her two boys during the storm Sandy on the East Coast. It was so terrible sad. Her two sons, 2 and 4, had been swept out of her arms as she was stranded and trying to get help. Then she spent all night trying to get people to help her find her kids but no one would help her. She ended up with hypothermia the next morning after being out all night, and her two boys were found dead.
This is one of the saddest things I have ever read. With 3 boys, 9 years, 20 months, and almost 6 months, it mangled my heart to read it, and I was sitting at my desk as work, crying for this woman and her babies.

I was trying to find the article on my phone to share, but instead found...I don't even know how to describe it. It's...beyond crazy. Beyond immoral. Beyond desensitized. These people... It's unfathomable to even try to contemplate for comprehension what was going through their heads. And it made me cry more.

This mother killed her son and another child because she was mad at her husband.

This mother stabbed her newborn to death right after it was born.

A newborn was left, umbilical cord still attached, outside in 40 degree weather, abandoned by someone's home.

What....what is wrong with these people? They're not even people, they're monsters. They're worse than monsters, but there is no words for what they are. I want to hide my children away from the world, but I know I can't. I fear leaving them at daycare, but it's better than leaving them with just one person, with no one else watching them, with no accountability.

Pray for your children. Pray for other people's children, too, because it is so obvious that they need it.

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