Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Rage Against...the Rules of Miss America Pageant?

We all saw the videos about the protests in Egypt...the uprising against the corrupt administration of President Hosni Mubarak. The protesters were standing against the shamelessly blatant abuse of power in their government, and, from what I have read at least, so they should have. It is tragic and sad to learn of the numbers that were killed or injured during the civil unrest that is now being called a revolution.

Then Libya, protesting their own crooked government and leader, Muammar Gaddafi, with such violent reactions from their government that within a matter of day 200 plus people had been killed in Benghazi alone. From the Abu Salim Massacre that took place at a prison in capitol Tripoli to the arrest of Jamal al-Hajji who asked for support of a better Libya, the now violence-wracked Libya, indeed, has a reason to stand up and fight now: for their lives.

I take a look at these protests, this clamoring against corruption, then I turn on the news and see rallying taking place here in America, and our own demonstrations seem...petty and silly in comparison. There is a, well, we'll call it a debate, going on about Miss America being under 18. There is resistance growing in the northern states of Ohio and Wisconsin about the state governments talking about interfering with the business of workers' unions due to extreme shortages on funds. The NFL Combine.

Sometimes I can't help but wonder how much of a joke we must seem to the rest of the world.

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